Sexual Assault in the Health Sector

Sexual Assault in the Health Sector. Health care providers such as doctors, nurses, orderlies, cleaning staff, and similar who have been the victim of sexual assault while at work, maybe entitled to claim compensation. Claims can be made for both physical and mental injuries, as well as any financial losses that may have been incurred as a result of the attack.

We have the expertise and knowledge to advise as to the best path to take to claim the maximum compensation. While compensation will not make up for what you have been through, this compensation is yours by right and the only redress which is available when bringing a civil claim for injury under English law.

To see how we can help:

Claim against the employer of an attacker

If the assault has been carried out by a colleague or a member of management with the NHS, it may be possible to bring a claim against your employer as an organisation rather than against the individual that attacked you. This greatly increases the chances of making the recovery of compensation as the NHS has the appropriate cover in place to meet such claims.

Application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority

If no claim can be made against the NHS or other insured organisation then you may want to consider making an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. The CICA is a government-funded organisation which makes payments to the victims of violent crime. This includes sexual assault and rape.

Starting your claim for sexual assault  in the health sector

To be able to advise you as to the full extent of your claim and the possible avenues for bringing such please get in touch with us today.

Any claim we bring on your behalf can be done so on a no win-no fee basis with no upfront fees. This means that if your claim is not successful then you do not have to pay us for the work we have done on your behalf.

To see how we can help you claim the compensation you deserve get in touch with us today:

  • Call our team on 0113 244 0597
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Fill in the contact form on this page

All enquiries will be dealt with in the strictest confidence; in the first instance, you don’t have to even give your name should you prefer.

Sexual Assault In Health Sector