FAQs: rape and sexual assault

I was recently the victim of a rape and/or sexual assault – what should I do? 

We would strongly recommend that you immediately report the matter to the police.  The sooner you do the greater the chance of the police being able to obtain evidence to support your allegations.  The police will also arrange for you to receive medical treatment if appropriate.  We appreciate that you may have difficulty recounting the incident to the police, mikecommittedhowever, their specially trained units and officers should handle your matter in a sensitive and efficient manner so as to cause you a minimal amount of stress and upset.

I do not know who my attacker was and there has been no arrest or conviction –  can I still make a claim?

You can make an application to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) even if you do not know the identity of your attacker.  However, you cannot bring a claim in the civil courts in these circumstances. The CICA does not require a conviction or even an arrest.  All that needs to be shown is that, on the balance, you have been the victim of a crime of violence.

I was sexually assaulted by my boss when I was drunk at a work’s Christmas Party – can I make a claim?

Yes, you can.  The fact that you were drunk does not give anyone the right to assault you or make you at fault and to be blamed for the attack.  Also, as the incident occurred at a work’s party and the assault was carried out by an employee of a higher status than you, you are in a good position to bring a claim directly against your employers.  This can be better than bringing a claim against an individual as there should be insurance in place to satisfy any award, settlement, or judgment made against them.

I was assaulted over 30 years ago by the minister of my church – can I bring a claim after all these years?

Whilst it may be difficult, it is not impossible.  There is usually a three-year limitation period on all injury claims including sexual assault and rape. However, the Courts do have the discretion to extend this period and have, in recent years, been happy to exercise this discretion in rape and sexual assault cases.  The Courts appreciate the impact these attacks can have on a person and how this may prevent them from seeking timely legal advice.  Obviously the longer the period between the alleged incident and the commencement of the claim, the more difficult it is due to such factors as loss of evidence and, not infrequently, the death of the alleged perpetrator. However, it is always worth seeking legal advice regarding a potential claim.

What can I claim for?

Like all personal injury claims, you can claim compensation for all injuries and financial losses resulting from the assault.

It may well be that your principal injuries are psychological in nature.  This is understandable and this may therefore form the main part of your claim.  In addition, we will claim for any infection or sexually transmitted disease passed onto you during the assault.

Financial losses can include the cost of any treatment you may need as a result of the assault, as well as the recovery of lost income, past and, where appropriate, future to take into account the need for any recovery or treatment.  In essence, we will look to recover compensation to cover all the losses that you have sustained as a result of the assault.

If you have any further questions about bringing a claim, then please get in touch with us today.

What will it cost me to bring my claim?

It is likely that we can deal with your claim on a no-win, no-fee basis.  This means that, subject to abiding by the terms and conditions of our agreement, you will not have to pay us for the work we have done if your claim is unsuccessful.  For further information and full details of this funding option please get in touch with us today.

For all your inquiries with regards to bringing a claim in relation to rape and or sexual assault:

  • call our team on 0113 244 0597, we will listen with complete confidentiality and give you the best advice as regards the strength of your claim and how much you may be awarded. We will answer all your questions so that you can decide whether you want to proceed with your application to the CICA or a civil claim either against your attacker or, if possible, against their employer. If you do; we are here for you and we can help.
  • email us your contact details with as much information as you want to give us and we will call or email you; just let us know what works best for you. Email us at : [email protected]
  • pop your details in the contact box on this page and we will get back to you for a free, confidential chat to see how we can help you.

Your claim can be dealt with on a No Win-No Fee basis so you don’t have to worry about the cost of bringing your claim.

Here to help you when you need it most.